DATADAPTIVE (logo) website design and attributions

This website was designed and built by Datadaptive.

The following photographs and images have been used under Creative Commons licences:

Berkeley, Gloucestershire by Nick (CC BY 2.0)

Business Map World by jarmoluk (CC0 1.0)

Chester: Eastgate Street by Jorge Franganillo (CC BY 2.0)

Classroom by Wokandapix (CC0 1.0)

Digbeth Police Station by Mac McCreery (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Disposal by Pexels (CC0 1.0)

Fire Engine by KTTrainer (CC0 1.0)

Glass Window by Pexels (Pixabay License)

The Houses of Parliament by Adrian Pingstone (public domain)

Houses of Parliament, May 11th 2010 by Sam (CC BY 2.0)

Kensington Gardens by Mariusz Pisarski (CC0 1.0)

Ladybower Reservoir by Gaz_D (CC0 1.0)

Ladybower Reservoir by Tim Hill (Pixabay License)

London* by Jethro Stebbings (CC0) * link 404

money-2724241_960_720.jpg by nattanan23 (CC0 1.0)

network-3357642_640.jpg by TheDigitalArtist (CC0 1.0)

post-1049028_1920.jpg by 4175959 (CC0 1.0)

Road by john_Ioannidis (Pixabay License)

Royd Moor wind farm, Yorkshire by steve p2008 (CC BY 2.0)

Shot82 by University of Salford Press Office (CC BY 2.0)

Tree by TimHill (Pixabay License)

Underwater Sunbeams by StockSnap (CC0 1.0)

Wind Farm Cambridgeshire by Fiona (CC BY 2.0)

my neighborhood by woodleywonderworks (CC BY 2.0)

The site design also utilises one or more icons from the Reflection Icon Pack by

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